Thursday 30 November 2017

helping out for athletics day 2017

On November the 29 we had our athletics day. I didn't do it because I am not allowed to run. After morning tea we had to do sprints. I just sat there and cheered for people. when the races were over it was time for lunch. Then after lunch we did the rest of the activities like discus, shot put, high jump and long jump.  I helped Miss Y with the measuring and with there length. 

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Feedback Needed

This Term at school we are doing novel study. My novel is Holes by Louis Sachar. Part of it is the Character traits. Character traits is a slide show about the characters in the story. What we need to do is write about and make/draw a picture of what I think the Character looks like.  In order for me to finish I need your help. This is one of the slides and is not the finished product. please tell me what I have done well and what I need to improve on.

Monday 30 October 2017

Cutting Time

This is a video about symmetry. In there will be shapes that can be cut in half and some that can't. Symmetry will be explained in the video.

Thursday 26 October 2017

The Last Fight at Swimming

These last two weeks at Canterbury Swim School I have been learning how to be a better swimmer. My Goal was to improve on my back stroke and I think I have. I have been in the big pool with Andrew my amazing swimming teacher. He has been teaching us how to do the different kinds of strokes in the water. We have been tort to breath stroke and back stroke. See you soon...
I am back from swimming now.we learnt how to stay safe around and in the water. we ware  our togs and put every day clothing on top of it. Some of the things that I learnt are how to keep your head above the water, how to do survival back stroke. After that we learnt that it is bad to jump into to water to save someone and it is better to put something in the water to pull them in.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Cool 3D

We,re learning to count faces, edges and corner in 3D. in this video I will be showing you how to count faces, edges and corners in 3D. If there is a poor sound quality please let me know so that i can improve and any other mistakes, thank you is you do.

Thursday 19 October 2017

fun pool

For the first two weeks of term four Hornby Primary School has been lucky enough to be able to have swimming lessons at Canterbury Swim School. I'm am in the biggest of the two pools. I was in the small pool but i was moved. So far I have learnt to do  Breaststroke and I can kind of do stream line. Streamline is when you put your hands out in front of you and kick with your feet. Breaststroke is the same but you have your hands going in circle and you breathe every second push of your hand.

I think I am doing good but I will need to improve.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Number The Stars- Things that are important

W.A.L.T make something that shows what is important
Zayd, Dominique and I made a drawing on what is important for Annmarie an Ellen. here is our DLO. our book is number the stars by Lois Lowry. We had to chose for four books called holes, Freak the mighty, among the hidden and number the stars. it was my favourite and i'm glade i chose it

Sunday 24 September 2017

Tuesday 12 September 2017

adding fractions in a simeplway

W.A.L.T add fractions using multiplication
This week and last we did DLO's on add fractions using multiplication. We did this other two week because my group got confused with the topic. Here is my DLO on it.

Thursday 7 September 2017

slime make time

Today in Ako ngatahi we are making slime. We got to choose our group that we were in but it had to be a group of four. my group was David, Jasper and Tom. The reason we get to make slime is that we earn marbles and when we earn all 100 marbles we get to have a marble day. we get the marbles by using our valuse

please send feed back on how your slime went

The Memory Piano

W.A.L.T I know I will be successful when …
  • Re-call what is happening in the video.
  • Use adjectives and experiment with language features.
  • Use paragraphs correctly.
  • Begin sentences with different/ interesting sentence starters.
I have ritin a story ona video that is bast on a man playing a piano and remembering things from the past that has hapend to hin

I started play the huge dark brown piano. I wasn’t playing a song but just some kind of tune that i played with my wife before my wife past away. Then I started to remember things like when my delightful and amusing wife sate on the compacted rocklike wood seat.

Then I remember the great battle and being forced to assassinate other people with a sniper. I remember hiding behind a fragmented wall by another soldier that jumped out to shoot but he got shot in the chest and past out.

As I played the piano I i had a memory of when i gave my grandson a toy sea horse. That he rode for hours and hours. To this day I still remember his astonished face when he saw the gift and when he pushed the last key for the song and then smiled at me

Sunday 3 September 2017

Ako Nagtahes Part in the Extraviga

W.A.L.T do a live performance in front of people we don't know.
This term Ako Ngatahi have been doing a topic on New Zealand Music Month.  We had to choose one of ten songs that were made before 2001. One of them was Gutter Black by Hello Sailor because I thought it was cool and I was right.
Here is a link Gutter Black

We made props for our performance. He made a drum set and painted it, We made three guitars and a saxophone too.  We performed on the 30th of August and the 31st  in the High School auditorium.

Some things that wete good were that everyone was there that said they were going. No-one got hurt or fell off the stage and that most of us had fun. Some of the bad things that happened were that for one of the acts the wrong music was played and that some people wanted to see the act but they couldn't because they didn't have tickets.

Thanks for reading, bie

Monday 31 July 2017

this week we have been learning about time we had to make slide shows about time then do screencasterify. we made clocks that show 24 hour time

Monday 17 July 2017

W.A.L.T write a story in Six words

I know I will be successful when i choose my words carfly, bo they

  • Capture the mode
  • Capture the message
  • Capture the setting
  • Does it make sense

On the last week of term we did Six word challenges. What we had to do was we need to write a story in Six word and make shore it made sense. You had to choose words wisely because the most amount of words you could use was Six like it said's in the name. Here are some of my ones.
  1. A monstrous mountain had icy spikes.
  2. The mountain seemed alive with ice.
  3. Dangerous, rocky, scary, spiky challenge accepted
  4. piranhas get eaten by electric Eels
  5. piranha are fiercest river monsters
  6. A man’s cat ate his goldfish
  7. They have sharp teeth to chew
  8. Koalas have pouches for young

Sunday 16 July 2017

Mid Year review

These last two terms in Ako Ngatahi I think that I have been a bit bad at doing my work on time and putting it up, but next term I hope to improve by putting up and finishing work in the time frame I'm given. I think that I can improve by not sitting by someone that will distract me from doing my work. I also think that I might need to work in a quiet working environment. I know that I need to improve my letter and number formation. When planning my work, I need to make sure I am being realistic about the amount of work that I can do in the time I am given. I feel that I have a negative attitude about both learning and my own abilities and that this is impacting on my work. I need to work on adjusting my attitude, I think that this will help me learn better and help me finish work on time.

Monday 10 July 2017

Loch Ness monster

W.A.L.T make a DLO when we record our speech.

I made this DLO to share my speech with the world. We wrote our speech. Then we had to make it we had to make a google slide that go's with our speech. Then we had to record our speech like I have. If you think that I have something I need to improve please tell me by commenting. bye

Monday 3 July 2017

Loch Ness Monster

I am learning to summarise and retell  the main ideas and important information from what I have read in my own words.

I have made a presentation on the Loch Ness Monster I the have been doing research on for weeks. Pleas leave a comment, enjoy.

Monday 5 June 2017

Maths DLO

W.A.L.T Double and halve to solve multiplication problems
this week we have been learning to double and halve. this is a good strategy to use for hard
times table questions. hope you enjoy.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Bigfoot Wanted

W.A.L.T create a wanted poster for one of the mysteries we have been learning about
Success Criteria

I have made a wanted poster about big foot. What I did first was I wrote wanted at the top then i did the picture. after that I did the fake reward and then the information wanted

I think it is cool but it toke me to long

Nemo The War Dog

 I am learning to summarise and retell  the main ideas and important information from what I have read in my own words.

I am learning to put new ideas from the text with my prior knowledge or other text to develop new ideas and understandings.

I have made a sculpture about Nemo the war dog who kept his owner safe from death after he was shout in the shoulder and fell unctions.

I made this because I thought he was a special dog because he saved his solder from death.

the first thing I did to make it was to make a brick out of mod ling clay then I made the sculpture of Nemo and then put him on top of the clay brick.

I think this is good but I think I need to learn how to manege my time better.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

My Fantasy storry

W.A.L.T write a fantasy story. After this I feel happy but a little disappointed. pleas leave A comment.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when it includes…

  • A Description of the fantasy world
  • A Problem
  • A description of how the problem is solved (resolution)
  • The journey back to the real world
  • A description about how the character feels

When I woke up I saw  trees and giant mushrooms and a boy leaning over me. He said “you're from up there” and he pointed up then he said follow me back to my house. Then we started to walk to his house.

On the way we saw all sorts of weird creatures and plants and even a volcano but no more people then after about half an hour later I could see a house in the distance. Then he said stop but it was too late I fall in a trap and fall down a big hole.

Then 5 hours later someone lowerd a rope down the hole so I grab it. When I get to the top I am grabbed by Some bad  crazy wolf man he said that he will turn me into a dead rat and then eat me so that I won’ t get back to the real world. Then he dug his claws into my rist’s. It was so painful i screamed. Then he began to drag me towards the  black forest were all of the trees were dead and these black gorilla re monster things lived then he pointed at a big black hole in the side of a small hill then we went in and he said “ welcome to the place you diy”.

Then he let go i ran for the door but I saw about 17 gorilla re monster thins at the cave entrance. then I saw a gun on the wall. I then  said “ I give up ”then I ran for the and shoot him ten times then stabbed him three then I saw some time bomes. I set the bombs to go off in ten minutes then ran for my life then ten minutes later I heard a big big big BANG! he was dead.

then I thought how will I get home. I thought long and hard then I remembered the volcano I could climb up the it and make a gap And sqes throw then go home but on the way I found a big hole in the path. In the hole there was a dragon that was tied down with chan then somehow the dragon broke the chain then took me into a bunch of underground tunnels filled with lava then we went up throw the volcano. then back into the relle world then he took the dragon home to remember all the fun he had on his advcher.

Thursday 30 March 2017

maths DLO

W.A.L.T Solve subtraction problems by adding.  Here is a video about my my maths topic for this week. This is a hard strategy to learn but it makes questions easier. This is a good strategy for hard take away questions. Please leave a comment if you like it.

Monday 27 March 2017

Spencer Park Trip

W.A.L.T Write an information report that informs the audience.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
  • I use an opening statement that explains the subject of the report.
  • The opening statement is followed by sentences that describe the event; what you saw, what you did, how you felt, what you learnt.
  • Each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of the topic; travelling, the beach, the lagoon walk, playground.
  • A general statement about the topic usually rounds off the report.

A Trip To Spencer Park

On Friday Ako Ngatahi, Room 3 and Wahi Ako went on a school trip to Spencer park. We took a bus to Spencer park. On the bus I was bored and quiet and just wanted to get there because kids were being loud.

When we got there we were put into groups. I was put into group number three with Mrs Mclachlan. After that the teachers said we could go onto the playground. The first thing I went on was the flying fox. I only had one go because there was a huge line. Then I went on the big rope pyramid. I climbed all the way to the top I could see all the way to the wetlands.

Then it was time to go for the wetlands walk. On the wetlands walk I saw lots of birds. Some were hawkes, pukeko and white hearon.

After this, we went to the beach and saw lots of shells that came in all shapes and sizes and big bits and small bits of drift wood. Some of us saw a little centipede and a dead bird. I also saw a shell with flesh in it and a big bubble came out then it moved and liquid came out. Then we went back to the playground and got the bus and went back to school. On this trip I learnt that some things from the sea look weird and might hurt you.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Dinosaur Insect Facts

W.A.L.T Think carefully about what I am reading and how I use the text.
We got to choose one of four topics for our reading and I choose Weta. I found my information by reading an article in a school journel and by googling Weta information.

Monday 13 March 2017

The Present

In the past weeks our class (Ako Ngatahi) were writing a short story about a video titled “The Present”. It was a story about a boy who got a present and it was a puppy. After he discovered that the puppy only had three legs.

Here is the video

W.A.L.T: Write a narrative

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
  • The title is suitable for the text.
  • The orientation tells who the story is about, and when and where the story happened.
  • The complication describes a problem and explains what happened next.
  • The resolution explains how the problem was solved.

Rendered Image

I was playing video games when my mum came in with a box and put it in front of me. Annoyed, I said “Mum”! Then she said something about “It's a beautiful day outside”. Then the phone rang and she said “Open the present I got for you”. She walked up the stairs with the phone in her hand. I got curious. I started to open it when a little brown puppy with a big black nose popped it’s head out. I picked it up and put it on my lap. I then saw it was missing one leg. I pushed it off my lap and onto the floor. Then I said “Yuck, she’s gotta be kidding me”. I was so angry I hit the box off the table. It landed on the floor in front of the tv.  
I kept playing video games. The puppy started to roll around. Then it sat up and looked at me. It walked over and started to bark. I kicked it away it rolled and landed on its back. Then it saw a red ball under the wall unit. It stood up and tried to run off to get the ball but BANG! He crashed into the wall unit. He shook his head and grabbed the ball. I looked down and saw that he had rolled the ball over to my foot then he ran over. I kicked the ball into the box. He ran to get it but he fell over then he fell over in the box. He ran around in the box then he crashed into the set of drawers. He lifted the box off himself then started to bark at the box. He saw me laughing at him. He looked up and saw me looking at him. He picked up the ball and brought it over. He put the ball down in front of me. I picked up the ball and put it in my pocket.
I decided that I liked this puppy after all because he was funny and silly. I then grabbed my crutches and walked towards the door. Then I opened the door and shouted “Mum, we’ll be outside”. Then we went out. I thought he was going to be a good friend for life because he is missing one leg like me.

Thursday 2 March 2017

My Learning Goals 2017

We had to think about what are learning goals were. Then we had to put it on the slide show. My goals are for reading, writing and maths and to practice, I am giong to do mathletics.

Please leave a comment.

Cyber Smarts DLO

On Thursday we went to the High School to  listen a man called John Parsons. He told us about cyber safety. This is a DLO about one thing I learnt. Now I feel more confident online.