Tuesday 16 May 2017

Nemo The War Dog

 I am learning to summarise and retell  the main ideas and important information from what I have read in my own words.

I am learning to put new ideas from the text with my prior knowledge or other text to develop new ideas and understandings.

I have made a sculpture about Nemo the war dog who kept his owner safe from death after he was shout in the shoulder and fell unctions.

I made this because I thought he was a special dog because he saved his solder from death.

the first thing I did to make it was to make a brick out of mod ling clay then I made the sculpture of Nemo and then put him on top of the clay brick.

I think this is good but I think I need to learn how to manege my time better.

1 comment:

  1. Would love to see the picture Anthony. It sounds like it was an interesting topic. Does your work get checked before it is posted? The final sentence is incomplete.


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