Sunday 3 September 2017

Ako Nagtahes Part in the Extraviga

W.A.L.T do a live performance in front of people we don't know.
This term Ako Ngatahi have been doing a topic on New Zealand Music Month.  We had to choose one of ten songs that were made before 2001. One of them was Gutter Black by Hello Sailor because I thought it was cool and I was right.
Here is a link Gutter Black

We made props for our performance. He made a drum set and painted it, We made three guitars and a saxophone too.  We performed on the 30th of August and the 31st  in the High School auditorium.

Some things that wete good were that everyone was there that said they were going. No-one got hurt or fell off the stage and that most of us had fun. Some of the bad things that happened were that for one of the acts the wrong music was played and that some people wanted to see the act but they couldn't because they didn't have tickets.

Thanks for reading, bie

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