Thursday 19 October 2017

fun pool

For the first two weeks of term four Hornby Primary School has been lucky enough to be able to have swimming lessons at Canterbury Swim School. I'm am in the biggest of the two pools. I was in the small pool but i was moved. So far I have learnt to do  Breaststroke and I can kind of do stream line. Streamline is when you put your hands out in front of you and kick with your feet. Breaststroke is the same but you have your hands going in circle and you breathe every second push of your hand.

I think I am doing good but I will need to improve.


  1. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself, keep up the good work. I am proud of how well you are doing.

  2. Hi Anthony. Your look like doing good job at swimming and also you got on the big pool nice job Anthony. Then I so some wrong spelling on your writing maybe you can fix it because you write breakastroke and it is backstroke.


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