Sunday 14 January 2018

The Big Reveal

Today I'm going to introduce you to the newest member of my family. It started just over two weeks ago on the Friday mum pick my brothers and me were up from nana's. When we walked in the door I saw Gypsy the puppy. She is a lab, Rottweiler and huntaway cross. As we walked in the door I thought we were looking after someones dog but it was our dog. I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say. 

I like Gypsy because she is energetic and playful.
for the rest of the week I will be learning how to look after Gypsy.


  1. That's so exciting Anthony, a dog! Unfortunately your pictures are showing, perhaps you could try loading them again? How old is Gypsy? What tricks do you think you could teach her? I love having a dog and I bet you will too, I look forward to hearing more about her!

    1. Hello Mrs Mclachlan, I have tried to upload the pictures again. She is 11 weeks old tomorrow and i think we will try to tech her to roll over, play fetch and just the simple stuff

  2. Kia ora Anthony,

    My name is Rachel and I am a member of the Summer Learning Journey blogging team. I just came across your post in the Uru Manuka twitter feed and had to post a comment. Gypsy is just gorgeous! What a beautiful dog!

    I had a dog named 'Taiga' growing up. She was a border collie with really similar colouring to Gypsy - black and white. I can still remember playing with her in the backyard when I got home from school!

    I hope that you have a wonderful time playing with Gypsy over the next few weeks of summer holiday! If you have time, please consider joining our Summer Learning Journey as well. It's pretty fun learning about New Zealand and sharing our learning with people from all over the country!

    Bye for now,

    Rachel :)

  3. Hi there Anthony,

    I'm Jade F, one of the blog commenters from the Summer Learning Journey.

    That is such an adorable puppy!! Gypsy is such a great name for a puppy as well! I really wish I had a puppy, I absolutely love dogs and I hope to have a pet dachshund (sausage dog) one day!

    What's your favourite thing you like to do with Gypsy? With my friends dogs, I like giving them cuddles and playing fetch the chew toy!

    Hope to hear from you soon and keep up the amazing blog posts Anthony!

    All the best,
    Jade F :)

  4. Hey Anthony,

    This is Jade C from the Summer Learning Journey blogging team. I will also be reading and commenting on your amazing blog posts this summer.

    Your puppy Gypsy is super cute and lovely. Her eyes twinkle and sparkle like a jewel :) I can also see that you are filled with happiness and joy! I'm sure you will be a kind and loving owner and a friend to Gypsy and hopefully you will be able to post some more picture of Gypsy!

    I hope you will join us to go on an exciting Summer Learning Journey this summer. There are many fun activities that you can do and many students from Hornby High school are actively blogging!

    I hope to hear back from you Anthony :)

    Jade C.

  5. Kia ora Anthony,
    A new puppy, how exciting. I remember when my dog Bella arrived, she was so small back then and full of mischief, chewing all sorts of things.

    Did Gypsy cry the first night away from her litter? I remember we put a clock under Bella's blanket so it was like her mothers heartbeat, weird aye but it worked.

  6. Kia Ora Anthony,
    I am a teacher at Hornby High and was just scrolling through the Uru Manuka twitter feed when the beautiful photo of your new puppy Gypsy caught my eye and made me stop to read your blog. She looks like a wonderful addition to your family. I also got a new puppy these holidays. His name is Neelix and he is only 9 weeks old, and very small. If he is lucky he might grow to me just bigger than the size that Gypsy is now!
    How big do you think Gypsy will grow? I hope she has been behaving and that toilet training her is going well.
    I hope to read more about your adventures together!


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