Thursday 18 January 2018

Caring for Puppy's

Here are some tips on how to take care of a new puppy's

A puppy will need 18 - 19 hours of sleep a day, as this helps them to grow health and strong. They like to sleep in the same spot and with the same blanket, they prefer to be close to their family / owner's.

Thing's you need for a puppy
  • clean warm bed
  • food bowl water bowl
  • fresh water
  • food and treat's
  • toys
  • grooming kit
  • a safe place to run around
  • harness and lead


puppy's should always have fresh water available. 
They need to be fed food appropriate to there age, up to six months old they need to be fed three times a day. never fed a dog raw meet, chocolate, onions, grapes or raisin's, as they can be toxic to dog's and puppies.

Other things

As we know most of our animal companions will need things like vaccinations. Puppies need fortnightly worming until 12 weeks of age and then three monthly after. Flea treatment as required. From the age of six months they can be desexed in order to prevent unwanted puppies.

Sunday 14 January 2018

The Big Reveal

Today I'm going to introduce you to the newest member of my family. It started just over two weeks ago on the Friday mum pick my brothers and me were up from nana's. When we walked in the door I saw Gypsy the puppy. She is a lab, Rottweiler and huntaway cross. As we walked in the door I thought we were looking after someones dog but it was our dog. I was so surprised that I didn't know what to say. 

I like Gypsy because she is energetic and playful.
for the rest of the week I will be learning how to look after Gypsy.

Friday 12 January 2018

Facts on a Monster Snake

Today I will be telling you facts on the Green anaconda. I will be answering some of your questions on this snake like is it venomous and where do they live, what they eat and some other stuff.

Anaconda are one of the worlds biggest snakes. They eat anything that comes to the river to have a drink. Then they leap out of the water and coil them self around there victim, then they squeeze so hard that there victim can't breath then they die and the anaconda eats them whole. Once eaten a big meal the anaconda will not eat again for at least a mouth and will spend a lot of the time on the river bank digesting its meal. they live in slow moving water such as a creek watching for prey unless it has eaten resiliently. They are know to eat fish, birds, Tapirs, capybaras, caiman and are even know to eat jaguars. some times they will eat humans but it is rare. Female anaconda give birth to 2-3 dozen live young that are two feet to a meter. They know how to swim and hunt from the moment they are born. they live for about ten years. Anaconda are not venom's snakes they are constrictor's. they squeeze you so hard that you die and they eat you whole