Monday 30 October 2017

Cutting Time

This is a video about symmetry. In there will be shapes that can be cut in half and some that can't. Symmetry will be explained in the video.

Thursday 26 October 2017

The Last Fight at Swimming

These last two weeks at Canterbury Swim School I have been learning how to be a better swimmer. My Goal was to improve on my back stroke and I think I have. I have been in the big pool with Andrew my amazing swimming teacher. He has been teaching us how to do the different kinds of strokes in the water. We have been tort to breath stroke and back stroke. See you soon...
I am back from swimming now.we learnt how to stay safe around and in the water. we ware  our togs and put every day clothing on top of it. Some of the things that I learnt are how to keep your head above the water, how to do survival back stroke. After that we learnt that it is bad to jump into to water to save someone and it is better to put something in the water to pull them in.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Cool 3D

We,re learning to count faces, edges and corner in 3D. in this video I will be showing you how to count faces, edges and corners in 3D. If there is a poor sound quality please let me know so that i can improve and any other mistakes, thank you is you do.

Thursday 19 October 2017

fun pool

For the first two weeks of term four Hornby Primary School has been lucky enough to be able to have swimming lessons at Canterbury Swim School. I'm am in the biggest of the two pools. I was in the small pool but i was moved. So far I have learnt to do  Breaststroke and I can kind of do stream line. Streamline is when you put your hands out in front of you and kick with your feet. Breaststroke is the same but you have your hands going in circle and you breathe every second push of your hand.

I think I am doing good but I will need to improve.