Monday 31 July 2017

this week we have been learning about time we had to make slide shows about time then do screencasterify. we made clocks that show 24 hour time

Monday 17 July 2017

W.A.L.T write a story in Six words

I know I will be successful when i choose my words carfly, bo they

  • Capture the mode
  • Capture the message
  • Capture the setting
  • Does it make sense

On the last week of term we did Six word challenges. What we had to do was we need to write a story in Six word and make shore it made sense. You had to choose words wisely because the most amount of words you could use was Six like it said's in the name. Here are some of my ones.
  1. A monstrous mountain had icy spikes.
  2. The mountain seemed alive with ice.
  3. Dangerous, rocky, scary, spiky challenge accepted
  4. piranhas get eaten by electric Eels
  5. piranha are fiercest river monsters
  6. A man’s cat ate his goldfish
  7. They have sharp teeth to chew
  8. Koalas have pouches for young

Sunday 16 July 2017

Mid Year review

These last two terms in Ako Ngatahi I think that I have been a bit bad at doing my work on time and putting it up, but next term I hope to improve by putting up and finishing work in the time frame I'm given. I think that I can improve by not sitting by someone that will distract me from doing my work. I also think that I might need to work in a quiet working environment. I know that I need to improve my letter and number formation. When planning my work, I need to make sure I am being realistic about the amount of work that I can do in the time I am given. I feel that I have a negative attitude about both learning and my own abilities and that this is impacting on my work. I need to work on adjusting my attitude, I think that this will help me learn better and help me finish work on time.

Monday 10 July 2017

Loch Ness monster

W.A.L.T make a DLO when we record our speech.

I made this DLO to share my speech with the world. We wrote our speech. Then we had to make it we had to make a google slide that go's with our speech. Then we had to record our speech like I have. If you think that I have something I need to improve please tell me by commenting. bye

Monday 3 July 2017

Loch Ness Monster

I am learning to summarise and retell  the main ideas and important information from what I have read in my own words.

I have made a presentation on the Loch Ness Monster I the have been doing research on for weeks. Pleas leave a comment, enjoy.