Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Chromebook safty roll's

Today I will be  showing you four rules for Chromebooks on how to keep them safe when using them in the classroom.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Magic power

Today we had Elgregoe come to school to preform a magic show based on the values and anti-bullying. Elgregoe comes to school every year to preform. He has a lot of birds he has a blue and gold macaw, doves and a African grey parrot. The blue and gold macaws roll in the show is to appear and disappear. he has a buggy that disappeared and then appeared onto his pants on his behind. There was more than that but those were the ones I liked and the last tow trick's  he did was put his hand throw a mirror and made some one flout in mid air.

Thanks for reading don't hesitate to leave a comment bye.