Thursday 30 November 2017

helping out for athletics day 2017

On November the 29 we had our athletics day. I didn't do it because I am not allowed to run. After morning tea we had to do sprints. I just sat there and cheered for people. when the races were over it was time for lunch. Then after lunch we did the rest of the activities like discus, shot put, high jump and long jump.  I helped Miss Y with the measuring and with there length. 

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Feedback Needed

This Term at school we are doing novel study. My novel is Holes by Louis Sachar. Part of it is the Character traits. Character traits is a slide show about the characters in the story. What we need to do is write about and make/draw a picture of what I think the Character looks like.  In order for me to finish I need your help. This is one of the slides and is not the finished product. please tell me what I have done well and what I need to improve on.