Wednesday 12 April 2017

My Fantasy storry

W.A.L.T write a fantasy story. After this I feel happy but a little disappointed. pleas leave A comment.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when it includes…

  • A Description of the fantasy world
  • A Problem
  • A description of how the problem is solved (resolution)
  • The journey back to the real world
  • A description about how the character feels

When I woke up I saw  trees and giant mushrooms and a boy leaning over me. He said “you're from up there” and he pointed up then he said follow me back to my house. Then we started to walk to his house.

On the way we saw all sorts of weird creatures and plants and even a volcano but no more people then after about half an hour later I could see a house in the distance. Then he said stop but it was too late I fall in a trap and fall down a big hole.

Then 5 hours later someone lowerd a rope down the hole so I grab it. When I get to the top I am grabbed by Some bad  crazy wolf man he said that he will turn me into a dead rat and then eat me so that I won’ t get back to the real world. Then he dug his claws into my rist’s. It was so painful i screamed. Then he began to drag me towards the  black forest were all of the trees were dead and these black gorilla re monster things lived then he pointed at a big black hole in the side of a small hill then we went in and he said “ welcome to the place you diy”.

Then he let go i ran for the door but I saw about 17 gorilla re monster thins at the cave entrance. then I saw a gun on the wall. I then  said “ I give up ”then I ran for the and shoot him ten times then stabbed him three then I saw some time bomes. I set the bombs to go off in ten minutes then ran for my life then ten minutes later I heard a big big big BANG! he was dead.

then I thought how will I get home. I thought long and hard then I remembered the volcano I could climb up the it and make a gap And sqes throw then go home but on the way I found a big hole in the path. In the hole there was a dragon that was tied down with chan then somehow the dragon broke the chain then took me into a bunch of underground tunnels filled with lava then we went up throw the volcano. then back into the relle world then he took the dragon home to remember all the fun he had on his advcher.